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What Now?

Although we know that sweet baby Paetyn will likely only live several hours after birth, we have chosen to carry her as close to full-term as possible. She is still growing and developing, moving, and bringing so much love to our family each day. We are celebrating each moment that we get with her now by spending time with family and friends, taking lots of pictures, and making/documenting memories. We will continue to go to our prenatal appointments as regularly scheduled and we can't wait for the many more ultrasounds where we will be able to see our Paetyn move and grow. We plan to involve our family in the ultrasounds as they are able so we can all celebrate her life together. We will arrange to have pictures taken of her birth and with family, and get her footprints, handprints, and other mementos to remember her by. 


For more information, please see our other pages:

The Day Our World Turned Upside-Down

What is Acrania

How We Have Found Peace

What Can You Do?


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